Friday, May 31, 2013

The Forgotten Rule of Interventions

If you don't know what's going on in a fight, don't get involved.  Seriously, I can't think of a better metaphor for this than the linked news item.


Eric said...

Senator McCain's not wrong.

He grew up in a generation that believed in JFK's inaugural address and that the US stood for the advance of the liberal world order. He paid his dues for the cause in Vietnam and is aghast that the "leader of the free world" is now abdicating the responsibilities of liberal hegemonic leadership in a geopolitically vital and sensitive region. Moreover, we're stepping aside to allow evil depraved barbarism to reign on the ground in Syria, and no one else seems to care.

The fatal flaw of McCain's advocacy is that the correct US-led liberal solution for the Syria problem is President Bush's Freedom Agenda with dominant, active US influence in strategic neighboring Iraq and the region. However, the correct solution was taken off the table and bungled (SOFA in Iraq) by President Obama with Democratic and Republican consensus.

Plus, even if the correct US-led liberal solution was placed on the table today, it's too late for it to help with Syria.

McCain sounds like he's advocating for recycling Obama's Libya policy, and that's a bad idea. He needs to accept that the only viable alternative to Obama's Middle East policy is Bush's Middle East policy. And since both parties have rejected Bush's ME policy, that means there is no viable alternative to Obama's ME policy.

In his turn, President Bush stood up as leader of "leader of the free world", but we the people stood down. Our avoidance of the Syria problem is shameful for a liberal hegemon, but that's the choice we've made as a nation.

Related posts on my blog:

Mad Minerva said...

"The fatal flaw of McCain's advocacy is that the correct US-led liberal solution for the Syria problem is President Bush's Freedom Agenda with dominant, active US influence in strategic neighboring Iraq and the region. However, the correct solution was taken off the table and bungled (SOFA in Iraq) by President Obama with Democratic and Republican consensus.

Plus, even if the correct US-led liberal solution was placed on the table today, it's too late for it to help with Syria."

Yes, that's it exactly. I should have specified. At this point in time, it's far too late.