Friday, June 13, 2008

Taiwan: Interesting New Survey of Public Opinion

Here's an interesting little survey.

Here are two of the questions:

Q3. If you can choose, would you prefer Taiwan to become an independent country, or unify with mainland China, or become a state in the United States of America?
58%: Independent country
17%: Unified with mainland China
8%: Become a state in the United States of America
17%: No opinion

Q4. If you can choose, would you prefer Taiwan to become an independent country, or unify with mainland China?
65%: Independent country
19%: Unified with mainland China
16%: No opinion

(I thought Question 3 was just hilarious -- and a bit bemusing.)


Pat Patterson said...

Well, that annexation would certainly be a lot more beneficial to the US then making Puerto Rico a state?

Anonymous said...

It'd be better for them to be a territory than a state. Most of the benefits and not as many of the drawbacks.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the result would be if one asked the people of the various Chinese states if they would prefer to remain part of China, gain independence, or become a US state.