Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bienvenidos, Amigo: Cuban Soccer Player Defects to US

It's a moving story indeed. Welcome, sir!

Hey, here's a thought. If Cuba's such a great place (as various Hollywood folks keep saying), why would a member of its elite (defector Reinier Alcantara was on the national soccer team), want to abandon it? Hmmm!

Here's a great quote from Mr. Alcantara as he talks of Cuba versus the US:
"There is no future for me in Cuba, no hope. You can dream there, but your dreams can’t come true. It’s a dead end for athletes, and for people of all professions. We hear promises, but they’re never fulfilled. Here, you dream and if you work hard enough, and sacrifice, your dreams can be realized."

Sir, we need more Americans like you who believe in hard work to make something of life. All very best wishes!

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