Thursday, October 09, 2008

Nerdworld Soundtrack, Bailout/Financial Apocalypse Edition, Part 11: Creedence Clearwater Revival

Today's tune for our fiddling while financial Rome burns? (By the way, here's the latest news that might make your skin crawl: the government is set to take an ownership stake in banks. Nationalizing banks?)

This morning's selection for the "Financial Apocalypse Soundtrack" is in honor of the Kamikaze Editor, who suggested this via text message recently. She gets the shout-out today since tonight she and I (along with La Parisienne) will be having our now-usual Thursday night text conversation across America while we're all three watching -- I don't need to tell you, do I? -- that guilty pleasure, "Supernatural."

Fire up your iPods and take a listen to Creedence Clearwater Revival's classic song, "Bad Moon Rising."

If I'm going to die in the GLOBALMONETARYDOOMSDAY!!!!, I might as well do so with some sassy style and humor. Like Petronius. (Unlike the delightfully irrepressible Petronius, I have a much better musical collection to amuse me.)

Previous tracks in my list of Music for Money Madness were:
As always, feel free to suggest even more songs in Comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's another song for your bailout list: