Monday, October 06, 2008

Nerdworld Soundtrack, Bailout/Financial Apocalypse Edition, Part 9: Tom Petty

The Dow plummeted 800 points today before clawing its way back up to end the day by "only" being down nearly 400 points. Meanwhile, markets around the world are dropping like stones.

I can't help myself. Here's a new track for the soundtrack: "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (what an appropriate name for the band too).

Oh, by the way, a message for all the people who seem surprised that the $700 billion bailout wasn't a panacea, a silver bullet, or an instant fix. WELL, DUH!

Previous tracks in my list of Music for Money Madness were:
As always, feel free to suggest even more songs in Comments.

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