Thursday, October 02, 2008

Nerdworld Soundtrack, Bailout/Financial Apocalypse Edition, Part 5: Kylie Minogue

The Senate passes the bailout bill. The Senate version is very much like the (rejected) House version in fundamental ways, but it does have other bits and pieces. The core is the same, though, and we all know what it is -- buying up $700 billion in bad assets. Maybe this disaster really is necessary to prevent an even worse disaster, but I don't have to like it -- and I DO NOT. And not all the talking heads in DC can convince me that it is a good thing -- or that all these self-proclaimed supporters of a big-government-managed economy even know what they're doing. I don't trust these people any farther than I can throw them.

Song for the occasion? Kylie Minogue's "What Kind of Fool (Heard All That Before)."

Previous tracks in my list of Music for Money Madness were:
Here is my now-standard advice: Crank up the volume and start hoarding your pennies in the freezer. As always, feel free to suggest even more songs in Comments.

Also: the Cinema-Mad Sibling called to suggest humorously that we all revert to the "grandma tactic" saving our cash in our mattresses. I'm still thinking that I should build a bunker in the basement of the library and turn ultra-survivalist.

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