Friday, October 03, 2008

Nerdworld Soundtrack, Bailout/Financial Apocalypse Edition, Part 6: Richard Wagner

Here's a twist on the usual musical selection for the Nerdworld Soundtrack (and maybe I can regain a tiny, tiny amount of gravitas in the eyes of the Opera Diva -- and maybe even you too, gentle reader).

As the Bailout Boondoggle rolls on amid the collective global nervous collapse and general mental meltdown on all fronts, I'm starting to think that all this would make a great setting for an overcooked, ear-pounding opera. (It's not over until Paulson sings...?) I'm not going to compare the situation to Puccini's Tosca flinging herself down to her death from a great height. No, that's simply not . . . apocalyptic enough.

Wait! I know! How about . . . Richard Wagner's 1874 opera "Götterdämmerung"?

Oh, and if I had to pick one scene, I'd pick the bit with Brünnhilde at the end, I think.

(Also, FYI: töö many ümläüts ät töö eärly in the mörning. I need möre cöffee!)

Previous tracks in my list of Music for Money Madness were:
As always, feel free to suggest even more songs in Comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heartily concur! Wagner and disaster just belong together.