You know what I'm going to do. Oh, yes, you know. I've had another hellish day at Nerdworld, and all I want to do right now is throw myself down on the living room carpet and DIE. I can't do that, though, since I have far too much work to do, so I'll opt for letting my brain slow down in front of the TV while I work on my laptop. I feel no guilt at all about choosing Winchesters over debate winners and losers. Actually, now I'm thinking that maybe I should feel guilty for not feeling guilty. What kind of responsible citizen am I, anyway? A tired and cynical one, that's what.
I should tell you, though, that I rarely watch political debates even when "Supernatural" isn't on. I want policy, not games of televised "gotcha!" Debates are about publicity and public image, not substance. Besides, I'm not convinced that a person's performance under the glare of the bloodthirsty media in a debate setting is an accurate reflection of that person's ability to do practical work in government.
Anyway, I can catch the debate later. I'll be watching "Supernatural" tonight as I did last Thursday -- watching and having a text-conversation with La Parisienne (that enabler!) about the show that we're watching together even though half the country separates us. Now that's what friends do.
One more note on the addiction: last night La Parisienne and I had an entire conversation about the motivations of Dean Winchester. Wanna be scared? It was a real and substantive conversation about character development. Even when Nerdettes aren't on campus, we just can't resist behaving like . . . Nerdettes.

"Supernatural" meets Nerdworld.
See all those books? dingy surroundings, bad lighting,
and the feeling of impending doom at the hands of inhuman foes?
Welcome to my life. Minus cute demon-hunting brothers, that is.
PS: Alessandra was just on the phone, cracking jokes about my dreadful (and dreadfully funny) status as TV-junkie.
UPDATE: Text-fest with La Parisienne and Kamikaze Editor! Life is pretty darn good. Plus Skinner from "X-Files" back on TV!
Good choice. My review of the debate: Bleh.
I caught a bit of the debate at the end, and I concur: BLEH for both sides.
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