Wednesday, December 02, 2009

One Thought on Obama's Afghanistan Speech

Via the Insta-Prof, this observation: In the text of Obama's speech, the following words and the number of times they appear:

"I" = 45
"Afghanistan" = 39
"Victory" = 0

Hmmmm. MM is not impressed. Neither are these folks, A and B, just for starters.

One more thing: I officially can no longer stand to hear Obama speak. There was a point when I could no longer stand to hear Bush speak either (let's be fair), but that came much later in that administration and largely because he was so dreadfully uncomfortable with public speaking. Obama's very good at oratory, but his slick, dazzling delivery can no longer disguise the fact that the actual substance of his stylish words is facile nonsense at best and perilous, heedless, narcissistic, unserious policy at worst.

Anyway, call me crazy, but I still think victory is the best exit strategy.

UPDATE: OK, OK, mushy boring speech with withdrawal timeline aside, Obama IS actually going to send more troops, and I guess that's what matters. Read yourself some Dignified Rant. When you have, read some more.

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