Monday, August 27, 2012

Don't Be a Crazy Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorist, Or Buzz Aldrin Will Feed You a Knuckle Sandwich

You know, I really wish I didn't have to post things like this, but in the wake of Neil Armstrong's passing, a bunch of idiots are rehashing the moon landing conspiracy theory.  This is a huge collection of debunking, including the guys from Mythbusters and Buzz Aldrin himself, who proves himself an even bigger glorious badass than I had previously thought - a feat I had not thought was possible.  Note also: that conspiracy nut absolutely got what he deserved.  What, you go up to an American hero who trained like mad and put his life in jeopardy on Apollo 11 and proceed to accuse him of being a liar and a coward?  Idjit.  We love you, Buzz!

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