Saturday, September 01, 2012

Nerd Journal: This May Never Happen Again, But for Now ...

SWEET, SWEET VINDICATION.  A few days ago, I was talking with a Nerd Lord about the eurozone.  He had been a huge proponent of the UK joining the euro, and I had been - as you all know - a big skeptic of the entire eurozone project from its inception and an opponent of the UK yoking itself to the euro.  I got used to people mocking my position.  But then ... Somewhere in the course of the conversation the august Nerd Lord talked about fed-up Finland wanting to dump the euro, the increasing frustration of Germans, the utter fecklessness of the Greeks, and then:

Was it an accident that last night was a blue moon?  Two events that are ever so exceedingly rare!  We're not going to get another blue moon for years.  I might not be acknowledged to be ultimately right in an unpopular position for years either.  But that's OK.

Addendum: Be sure to be gracious and humble in situations like this!  Don't indulge your initial impulse to pump your fist in the air, shriek "YES!" and take a victory lap around the building.  Smile a little sadly and say something like "I wish I weren't right and that we didn't have this horrible mess on our hands.  Oh, it's terrible, isn't it?"  The fact that you are now serving humble pie doesn't mean you should fling it in the other person's face, right?

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