Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG Bonus Scandal: Seppuku-Mania!

Senators to AIG Execs: "Drop dead -- literally."

AIG Execs to Senators: "You first."

Real Japanese samurai: *FACEPALM*

Advocating suicide as an honorable way out? Neither side in this mess has much (or any?) honor to begin with, so bringing up old-fashioned ideas of falling-on-your-own-sword-to-save-your-honor is pointless.

Meanwhile, is this all you guys can come up with, the AIG bonus kerfuffle as the biggest possible operatic theater of moral hypocrisy and pseudo-pietistic posing and grandstanding by everybody involved?


Obligatory caveat: MM does not endorse suicide, honorable or not.

UPDATE: The other MM picks up the Japanese theme and calls the whole media circus the "Kabuki Theater of AIG Outrage."


Anonymous said...

To be fair, the 'AIG execs demand Senators "resign or commit suicide"' article is satire. I thought it was quite funny, actually, given the idiotic comments by Sen. Grassley.

Mad Minerva said...

Yes, and well-deserved satire too. I suppose I should have put the "satire alert" tag on the post.

And what in the heck was Grassley even thinking?

Anonymous said...

Thinking? Isn't he a senator? Don't they cure you of that during the pre-campaign medical screening or something?

(With a few exceptions, of course. Sadly, very few, it seems.)