Monday, March 30, 2009

The HopeChange Chronicles: Mark Steyn's Observations

Steyn takes no prisoners in his inimitable style. Here's a hint:
. . . it’s no reflection on the hapless Geithner that he’s unable to fix the planet. When the Bolsheviks chose to introduce Russians to the blessings of a “command economy” 90 years ago, they were dealing with a relatively simple agricultural society largely contained within national borders. Obama and Geithner are trying to do it with a sophisticated global economy in which North American consumers, European bankers, Asian suppliers, Saudi investors, and Chinese debt-holders are more tangled than an octopuses’ orgy. Even with “global oversight” — with the Toxic Tims of Germany, Argentina, and India all agreeing on how to fix the game — it can’t be done.
Now who else but Mark Steyn can actually and intelligently use such a phrase as "octopus orgy"? *Giggle*

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