Saturday, March 14, 2009

Whoa, Canada: Mangling History in Battle Re-enactments, Plus a Rant

Mark Steyn's new column explores how some folks in the Great White North are re-writing history in the name of political correctness. (The Brits, incidentally, weren't much better not too long ago when they re-enacted the Battle of Trafalgar not as the historically accurate England versus France-and-Spain, but as Team Red and Team Blue in order not to offend the modern French and Spanish -- a ludicrous event that Steyn also rehashes. Poor Nelson! He fought and fell heroically in battle not for this blessed plot, this realm, this earth, this England, but for the Red Team! I do love me some Napoleonic-era naval battles, and this just made me crazy.)

The entire idea of altering re-enactments of historical events is not only ridiculous, but perilously stupid: it's the willful repudiation of facts in favor of embracing fantasy. It's all wishful thinking writ large. "Oh, I hate the fact that [insert actual winners here] defeated our ancestors, so when we re-enact the battle, let's make our ancestors win instead because that makes us feel better about ourselves here in 2009!"

Facts are facts. And they are even more under siege on all front by people crying that facts are hurtful or uncomfortable or divisive or whatever. (I almost feel like Rorschach from "Watchmen" -- no compromise when it comes to the truth, no faking reality no matter what the reason, even if it's cloaked in "the greater good," itself a iffy phrase.)

It's time (and past time) to learn to deal with facts, history, and objective reality. Far too many people now are projecting their modern issues onto the past -- and therefore twisting history almost beyond recognition. The study (and responsible teaching) of history has enough difficulties and uncertainties in it without meddlesome people actively trying to mangle it for their own purposes. Trust me on this.

I need a palate cleanser after that Steyn story! How about this: Say what you want about the American South, but when people re-enact Civil War battles, they never change the actual historical outcomes -- even if southerners are re-creating a catastrophic Southern defeat. Ever been to a re-enactment of the Battle of Gettysburg? You absolutely should go sometime. It's amazing. Every year the Confederates fight and lose, just as they did in those 3 days in 1863. History buffs flock out there annually to re-create the defeat that ended Lee's invasion of the North and put the South on the defensive for the rest of the conflict.

I'll tell you something else, too: Civil War history buffs are FANATICAL about accuracy in even the smallest detail. (These are people who memorize the serial numbers of different pieces of 19th-century ordnance.) The mere thought of changing any historical detail, much less the outcome of the battle, would be anathema, even if ultimately that history has winners and losers. (I wonder, though, is it only a matter of time before the PC crowd tries to interfere even here?)

OK, end of rant. Need to go run errands!


Brian J. Dunn said...

Worthy of ranting, Minerva.

Steyn's article reminded me of Conan the Barbarian.

No Monty Python references came to mind this time.

Anonymous said...

The Civil War is safe because the evil side lost.

Anonymous said...

From the linked article: Dutch teachers are wary of mentioning the Second World War because “in particular settings” most pupils don’t believe the Holocaust happened. If there happens to be a Jewish child in the class, it could be a little distressing. But fortunately Europeans won’t have to worry about Jews in the school system much longer. A few weeks ago, during the Israeli incursion into Gaza, Olav Nielsen, headmaster of Humlehave School in Odense, Denmark, announced that he would no longer accept Jewish children. The Copenhagen Post reported that several other principals had also decided that they would no longer let Jews enrol at their schools.

I don't even know what to say about that; the jumble of wrongs and idiocy is too great for this time of morning.

But it does seem to show Ip's logic is a bit off, if you think the evil side lost in WWII, of course.