Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nerd Notes: Meet Mr. and Mrs. Nerd Lord

Professors marrying other professors? This happens a lot, apparently. Is this really "news"?

Look, I know of several cases where profs married their own students. Yuck! I'm not even going to talk about married profs having affairs with various and sundry campus people, graduate students, other married academics, etc.

Profs legitimately marrying other profs is an improvement on that, surely. Still, I am wicked and sarcastic, so I have a suggestion for what to call such pairings. You remember the yuppie term "DINK"s (Dual Income, No Kids)? For academic couples, perhaps we can have "TWIT"s (Two Wanting Influence and Tenure).

By the way, if you want an amusing nerd-movie that kind of, sort of has neurotic, dysfunctional prof-love in the plot, check out "Wonder Boys" (2000). Funny because it's too close to reality.

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