Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Obama-Biden Ticket: Quoting Joe

Obama-Biden's the ticket? Well, whatever. BIDEN's supposed to energize everybody and balance out Obamessiah? Meh. I shall also expect plenty of unhappiness from the Hillaristas at the Denver convention.

I was terribly amused, though, by this immediate response from the McCain campaign, which has cheerfully taken Biden's own words about Obama from a few months ago and reminded everybody that old Joe actually said them.

Maybe diamonds are forever, but in this age of YouTube and digital media, so are soundbytes.

UPDATE 1: More interesting Biden-isms here.

Remember, kids, it's time for some campaignin'! All we need now is McCain's VP pick, and we are really off to the races.

UPDATE 2: Awesomely hilarious video memory from Pursuit of Serenity, with Biden a while ago saying he's not interested in being VP.

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