Saturday, August 02, 2008

Beijing Olympic Watch: Beijing Jails More Dissidents

Beijing's just thrown more dissidents into the slammer. The Olympics start next week, and the eyes of the world are on the Middle Kingdom. Apparently, it doesn't matter. No civil liberties for you - and we don't care who's watching.

Let's be under NO ILLUSIONS that the Olympic project is going to make China less of a human rights monster. It's not. As Amnesty International has reported, the Olympics have made Beijing even more intransigent and harsh.

So Beijing broke its Olympic promises? What a surprise.

UPDATE: More on this here.


Marian said...

So Beijing broke its Olympic promises?

Nooooooo. The Chinese government is not to blame for the inability of the Western world to understand Chinese culture! How dare you!

(Sorry, but my tongue seems to be somewhat stuck to my cheek, going through all that Beijing Olympics coverage of late.)

Mad Minerva said...

Hee hee! ;-)

Also, I don't know if I can watch the opening ceremonies without either (a) flying into a rage or (b) collapsing into laughter at some point. The sheer amount of overblown propaganda is going to trigger my sarcasm-response; I just knowit.