Saturday, August 02, 2008

Best Political Sarcasm Yet: the Obamessiah Video

This is more or less the visual version of this previously posted, glorious bit of written sarcasm.

The video pokes fun at the "Obamessiah" idea by including some actual soundbytes of Obama. I remember how I had rolled my eyes when I'd heard them during his speeches, and they're back in a wonderfully sarcastic ad. The worst offender of the lot is probably Obama's loopy comment about literally saving the world: I'm tempted to call the whole thing an "unintentionally hilarious example of megalomania" and be done with it.

Film fans: there is a surprise little movie reference/cameo at the end of the video that made me laugh out loud. I'm pretty sure you'll be tickled too.

Here it is!


Pat Patterson said...

But I get the feeling that when the mighty Obama waves his staff it will be to soothe the waters of the Red Sea over the heads of the fleeing Israelites. Or he will wait till the EPA vets the whole idea.

Unknown said...

Very funny. Thanks for sharing.