Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama and Taiwan: Just More Empty Campaign Rhetoric?

Hmmm, interesting. The editorial is clearly biased in Taiwan's favor, but this excerpt raises questions about Obama:
Commenting on Ma’s election, Senator Barack Obama stated that the U.S. should respond by “rebuilding a relationship of trust and support” with democratic Taiwan. “The U.S. should reopen blocked channels of communication with Taiwan officials” said Obama.

. . .
So months before Senator Obama stated that the U.S. “should reopen blocked channels of communications with Taiwan officials,” he had an opportunity to both co-sponsor and help push through his committee a resolution advocating for just such a re-opening of communication with Taiwan.

Actions speak louder than words. And Senator Obama’s failure to take action—even such symbolic action as a concurrent resolution-- to “reopen” blocked communication with democratic Taiwan makes his statement about “rebuilding a relationship of trust and support” with Taiwan seem like little more than campaign rhetoric.

The writer's talking about Senate Concurrent Resolution 48 (S.CON.RES.48), introduced by Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota in October 2007.

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