Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nerd Notes: Desk + Treadmill = Healthy Nerd?

This would be so absolutely awesome if I could manage to (a) get a nice treadmill, and (b) get a suitable desk. Working on the computer can really be a dull and stationary business . . . I'm basically a barnacle. Link via blogging law prof Ann Althouse.

Oh, hey! If I had my own desk-treadmill set-up in my apartment, it'd be pretty sweet! I could measure each paper by how miles I walked while writing it! That's be so much fun, but this won't happen any time soon. Treadmills are expensive!

Of course, this whole treadmill-desk idea would be the human version of a . . . HAMSTER WHEEL. Hmmm.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, this entire idea seems pretty natural. I like to read while walking slowly on a treadmill: it's not heart-racing exercise, but it's not supposed to be exercise as much as it's something a bit more active than sitting and reading for hours. (Besides, it's harder for me to fall asleep if I'm walking.) And the idea of working and treadmilling at the same time reminds me of a scene straight out of that TV-movie "Dinotopia." Didn't that nerdy little dinosaur Zippo do that in the library?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about hooking a battery recharger to it and get some free energy in the process.

There are some dog wheels on the market.