Monday, September 22, 2008

Public Service Announcement: Some Feminists Are Idiots

Here's your PSA of the day: if some self-proclaimed campus feminist makes a goofy gender-based argument, that doesn't mean that (a) she's right or (b) the argument has merit. In fact, she could be a total loon. Here's something interesting to read. It contains this utterly loopy quote by a feminist who, apparently, believes the tripe she's actually saying:
What we were taught as logic is simply what we were taught and thus not logical, but you have to question it before you can see it as ‘not logical’. My views can be perceived as not ‘logical’ because they are deviating from taught beliefs. Logic doesn’t mean it makes sense. It means it follows a certain line of thinking. It is the certain line of thinking women have attempted to confront.

Say WHAT? Is she really saying that "women aren't logical"? What kind of reductionist sexist garbage is this? And is logic somehow supposed to be gender-oppressive? Women are supposed to confront logic? Oppose logic? With what? Emotions? Good grief. Well, I guess I'm not really a woman then, since I insist on arguments actually making sense.

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