Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Geek News: Georgia Under Cyber-Attack

Georgia is under cyberattack as well as traditional military assault. More here and here. Wired does have a caveat about the massive Georgian cyberwar:
As always, however, it's extremely difficult to sort out which hacks are being done with Russian government involvement, which are being done with government wink-and-a-nod, and which have nothing to do with the government whatsoever.
Nevertheless, help in various forms (the ultimate tech support) has been offered to Georgia. Estonia has sent cyber defense experts, and Georgia is now communicating to the world via new Internet portals.

~Civil.ge, a Georgian news outlet, is under permanent cyber attack, so it is now on Blogspot.

~The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs now also has a website via Blogspot.

~The website of the Georgian president has been moved to US servers in Atlanta, but it's still been targeted.

~The Polish president has also given Georgia space on his English-language website. Look at the right side of the webpage for Georgian reports. Scroll down.

~Estonia is now hosting the website of the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It's a war with 21st-century tech used for an old-school military geopolitical approach.

In the interest of being fair (though I am no fan of Putin's Russia), here is the Kremlin's website.

UPDATE: An Aussie source reports that at one point, the Georgian parliament site was hacked. Its front page was replaced with an image comparing Saakashvili to Hitler. *Sigh.*

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