Saturday, August 09, 2008

MM in the Kitchen: Poached Eggs on Toast

Saturday morning! It's time to make a nicer breakfast than you can on workday mornings. I've made some coffee, I have some sport on TV while I fold laundry, and I'm beginning to think about breakfast... (and about blogging -- I have a review of the Olympic opening ceremony -- but no blogging until after breakfast! Priorities, man.)

I'm sure you all know how to make poached eggs, but here's a lovely recipe for poached eggs on toast complete with full photographic how-to, step by step.

Oh, and do use the freshest eggs possible. They will have egg whites that are more cohesive. The older the egg, the more watery the egg white, and when you try to poach it, the egg white will go everywhere and make a mess. (What to do with older eggs? Scramble them, boil them in the shell, use in baking, use in fried rice, use for egg drop soup... They just don't poach well.)

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