Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Satire Alert and Amusing Political Video of the Day: Paris Hilton for President

And do you know what the scary thing is? Her energy policy makes more sense than the Dems' "plans." In fact, her ideas come a bit close to my own. It must be a sign of the coming apocalypse! EVERYBODY PANIC!

But before you do, take a look at this video (via Dirty Harry's Place). I'll rate it PG for a little too much undress and for one naughty word. It's Paris Hilton for President, and she's, like, totally ready to lead. Enjoy:


Marian said...

Great. Simply great. But "I'm just hot." is the understatement of the year. I mean, neither the old guy nor the change dude are offered six-digit-sums for a simple hand wave . And Paris operates the tele-prompter much more elegantly than Obama does (not to mention McCain, who is helpless without his paper notes - or at least Joe Lieberman whispering corrections from behind)

So, who is, like, the total pro here?

Marian said...

PS.: I consider Rihanna a pretty good choice as running mate. As compared to Britney or Lindsay.

Paris/Rihanna - the first PG rated ticket in US election history. *giggle*

Mad Minerva said...

*Giggle!* I know! It's nice to see that some people still have a sense of humor about the whole political process.

Vote for President Hilton -- and paint the White House pink!