Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Public Service Announcement: TV Fall Season Premieres on Hulu

Woo-hoo, Hulu to do! You too?

YES! Here is a PSA for your ongoing entertainment. Finally, new episodes and some new TV shows! Fresh ways for you to destroy your mind and waste your time when you should be doing something useful and productive!

You can catch a lot of the TV action on Hulu (great resource if you're unfamiliar), and it has many past episodes in case you missed some. Check out its fall premieres schedule. I just watched the season premiere of "Prison Break" last night while working on a paper. Nice. (And William Fitchner again! I swear, that character actor is in everything.)

The actual premiere of the much-ballyhooed "Fringe" was on last night too, but I couldn't get intereested. I'm sorry, but that guy is always going to be Pacey from "Dawson's Creek" to me, no matter how hard he tries to be somebody else. Besides, in terms of content, "X-Files" did it first -- and better.

"Bones" is good, but the premiere I'm really waiting for, though, is "Chuck." MM does love her witty action-comedies. New episodes of "Burn Notice" and "Psych" are devoutly to be wished, as Hamlet would say if Hamlet watched TV. The Cine-Sib, though, is all kinds of excited for the updated "Knight Rider." (Me? No David Hasselhoff, no "Knight Rider." Come on, why mess with a pop culture icon?)


Marian said...

Q : Why can't I watch your videos from outside the U.S.?
For now, Hulu is a U.S. service only. That said, our intention is to make Hulu's growing content lineup available worldwide.

That's so mean!

Pat Patterson said...

I agree on Fringe though I have always liked John Noble, Walter here and Denethor in LOTR.

But the main reason I turned on was because of Mark Valley, of Keen Eddied fame, even though I peeked and knew that he was only in the pilot. Otherwise every Fox contract player in the world was trotted out including the now very scary looking Blair Brown. Needs more explosions and better cow jokes.

Plus you can tell when the auto companies are having bad years as all the cars or trucks used in the film had all the identifying badges removed. No free publicity!