Friday, July 17, 2009

Nerd News: Government Meddling in Student Loans

What fresh hell is this? This is going to end in tears.

Here is a piquant summation of government involvement in the world of student loans:
From a simple loan-guarantee program to a “public option” to a union-staffed, government-run monopoly in 44 years: “This is sort of a long progression that shows you how the federal government can take over an economy,” says Neal McCluskey, associate director of the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom. “We’ve pushed out private lenders who had a legitimate interest in making sure someone has the ability to succeed in college, graduate, and pay back the loan, and we’ve made this just pure welfare.”
There's a case to be made against more college entitlements, and Reason has a fresh video on just this issue.

Look, Obama's education policy ideas are a disaster waiting to happen. They will make the cost of education even higher. I am dead serious about this.

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