Monday, July 27, 2009

Taiwan: Ma's Empty Image

Here is a damning critique of Ma. If you read it, though, you might see a slight parallel to another good-looking leader who is, alas, more or less disastrous.

Blurb about Ma:
The unfortunate reality for all Taiwan citizens is that Ma's image as a superior leader has been built on the incompetence of others and the fact that his relatively high approval rates were derived from his personal image instead of appreciation for his actual (in)competence and the lackluster performance of his administrative team.

Indecisiveness and lack of transparency in decision-making, inability to impose internal discipline, excessive uses of double-standards in political manoeuvring and outright opportunism constitute Ma's political weaknesses.

1 comment:

Michael Turton said... a slight parallel to another good-looking leader who is, alas, more or less disastrous...

Hmmm...I never thought Bush was that good looking. :)

See Cohen's piece in AWSJ today? Look for my reply tomorrow. Jerome simply wrote an extended apologetic for the broken promises of Ma.
