Monday, July 27, 2009

Nerd Journal: Post-Tour de France

Is there a rehab clinic for treating Tour de France addiction?

I'm serious! I need to detox or something, because I have Tour withdrawal! After 3 weeks of nonstop obsessing all day every day about the glorious Tour, I wake up this morning, and there is no Tour! What a horrible Monday when all Mondays are already horrible!

Oh, I'll obsess about the new Team Radio Shack from now until next year's Tour, but it's small potatoes.

I'll write a Tour retrospective post later when I'm over the cold-turkey withdrawal! All I can say is this: today I distracted myself as much as I could by running errands and going to see "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" this afternoon (movie review coming soon!). I love Harry too, but I hadn't bothered seeing the flick though it premiered 2 weeks ago because -- well, it'll be in theaters for a while, and I was busy with something that wouldn't wait!

Oh, here -- Have fun with this!

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