Monday, July 28, 2008

Pop Culture Lexicon: "Nuke the Fridge"

Pop culture has a way of zeroing in on the ridiculous and codifying it in current lingo. How do you describe something so utterly ludicrous in film or TV that you know the source has become irremediably silly?

The original was "jump the shark" from TV's "Happy Days."

Now we have "nuke the fridge" from this summer's "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

(Related pop phrase for nutty personal behavior: the Tom Cruise-Oprah-inspired "jump the couch.")


Anonymous said...

I knew that Crystal Skull was going to make my brain hurt as soon as they entered the warehouse and started playing with magnetism that came and went as it was needed for the action. As a guy with a degree in physics, the fridge scene nearly made me cry.

Mad Minerva said...

I hear that! After the fridge scene -- punctuated with the cutesypoo CGI prairie dogs at end just to add insult to injury -- I had a nagging feeling that the rest of the film was oing to be a mess. And it, well, kinda was.