Wednesday, January 16, 2008

East and West: French Company Apologizes for Mao Advertisement

The Citroen company used a Photoshopped picture of Mao in one of its advertisements. The French company has now apologized for insulting Mao and therefore insulting the entire Chinese nation. What?

Oh, please! *snort of derision*

Mao was a bloody-minded tyrant who caused the deaths of millions of Chinese and ruined the lives and livelihoods of many millions more. China would do better to find a better "symbol" than this blood-stained dictator. Go look up "Cultural Revolution" or "Great Leap Forward" and see how this stupid monstrosity wrecked a nation.

Furthermore, I am sick and tired of people tiptoeing around in mortal terror that they might offend some thin-skinned group or another.

Samizdata says what I want to say.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

Furthermore, I am sick and tired of people tiptoeing around in mortal terror that they might offend some thin-skinned group or another.

Moi aussi!